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Mold Allergies - Important Prevention Tips

Symptoms of mold allergies often include sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. If you regularly wake up in the morning with allergies, or your allergies seem to get worse when you are inside, it may be that there is mold growing in your home. Mold can spread quickly, putting you at risk for other health problems such as pulmonary conditions, respiratory infections, and asthma.


In order to prevent mold allergies, you need to:


1: Maintain your HVAC system. It is important to maintain your air conditioner and heater on an annual basis. You should also replace the filter at least once every 2-3 months, or more frequently if you have pets. Your ductwork should also be cleaned and inspected regularly. By having your HVAC system and ductwork properly maintained, you can help prevent mold growth in your home

2. Clean your home regularly. Cleaning on a weekly basis can help eliminate places for mold to grow. You should focus on the shower, bathtub, sinks, and toilets, as these are areas where moisture often gathers. Cleaning with bleach can kill bacteria, but it is important to avoid mixing bleach with any other chemical, as this could create toxic fumes.

3. Use a dehumidifier. Mold grows in warm and damp places. By using a dehumidifier, you can control the amountof.

humidify and moisture in your home. This could help prevent the growth and spread of mold.

4. Keep carpets and furniture clean. It is important to wash, clean, and shake out rugs or mats that are regularly exposed to moisture, such as bathroom mats. Over time, the damp rugs can become ideal places for mold to grow. You should also clean your furniture and carpets regularly to prevent mold.

If You Have Mold Allergies, Call the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia Today at (404) 994-3574


If you are experiencing allergies in your home, our Georgia allergists at the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia are here to help. We will use effective techniques to diagnose and treat your allergies so you can experience relief, and will discuss lifestyle changes to reduce your symptoms.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Contact us today to learn more.



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